Posted on 2/28/2023

Every car owner has had the check engine light on at least once, and they know it's not good news. Despite that, if the car continues to run, seemingly without a problem, it's shrugged off and forgotten until it's too late. This is especially bad if the check engine light is blinking. Wondering why? Reading on, you will find out the differences between a solid and flashing engine light. Solid Check Engine Light When the check engine light is turned on and is not blinking, it serves as a warning. A warning that something is about to break or malfunction - you can also say that it is pointing directly to a repair shop. Blinking Check Engine Light A check engine light that is blinking means big trouble. It blinks, so your attention is drawn to it. Something serious inside of the vehicle has happened and needs repair ASAP. Despite its name, the check engine light doesn't only mean problems in the engine. It also means the transmission, electrical system, brakes ... read more