Posted on 9/29/2022

With over a thousand parts, how is a vehicle affected by a component as mall as a fuel injector? The fuel injectors are one of the most important elements in your car. Without them, or when they malfunction, it affects the most important role of a vehicle, locomotion. But what exactly do fuel injectors do? The function of fuel injectors Before each combustion stroke, fuel injectors basically give the right quantity of gasoline to the engine. The gasoline is evenly distributed as a spray to each cylinder, ensuring an ideal combustion in the combustor. Any imperfection in the fuel flow to the cylinder might cause severe engine issues or even a failure. Based on the driver's demands in the moment, an electronic unit determines and regulates the electrochemical stimulation for releasing and closing the injectors. In order to inject the proper quantity of gas, the control module unlocks the injector for the necessary period of time. If you want to know whether you have dirty fuel inje ... read more